Is Hairdressing a good career choice?
Absolutely! But don’t just take our word for it. While we can provide valuable career advice, share insights about the lifestyle of a hairdresser, and answer some frequently asked questions, the best insight comes from those already living it.
“This industry is forever growing and I’m honestly so proud to be a part of it. There is always something new to learn and that’s what inspires me most. It’s great as it keeps me on my toes!”
Danielle, Salon Manager
“I wanted a job where I could wake up in the morning and look forward to going to work. I was interested in the uniqueness and how personalised it can be. I love how rewarding it is and how much satisfaction you can get by making someone happy.”
Elliott, Hairdresser and former Apprentice
“ My dream from a young age was to become a hairdresser and have my own salon. I am living proof that ”dreams can come true”
Sarah, Franchise Owner and Educator