ST0201: Supply Chain Practitioner (Fast Moving Consumer Good) (previously Operator Manager) Level 3

Version 1.0 / 1.1

An FMCG Supply Chain Practitioner will work in one or more supply chain functions. Typical duties could include forecasting customer demand whilst working as a Junior Demand Planner or liaising with a factories schedule production and processing orders as a Customer Service Operative or working with hauliers and Distribution Centres as an Assistant Transport Planner.

The supply chain is at the heart of most business – a system of people, organisations, information, activities and resources involved in moving products or services from supplier to customer. It could include the transformation of raw materials, natural resources and components into a finished product.

Effective and dynamic supply chains are particularly important within the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, for example food and drink retailers or manufacturers where products may have one or more of the following characteristics: high volume, fast turnover and frequent demand. FMCG by their nature, have a short shelf life, either as a result of high consumer demand or because the product is perishable or deteriorates rapidly. Supply chain functions include procurement, forecasting, planning manufacture, customer service and logistics.

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Gateway requirements

The decision to take an apprentice through Gateway is made between the employer, training provider and apprentice, typically after 30 months on-programme.

The apprentice must have completed all on-programme elements before they enter Gateway, including:


Version 1.1


Complete and submit an appropriate workplace project for the End-point Assessment, this must be agreed for the apprentice, based on their current job role


Achieved English and Maths Qualifications Level 2


Provide examples of work that they can use for reference in the professional dialogue and interview covering the knowledge, skills and behaviours being assessed by this assessment method

EPA consists of three assessment methods: a knowledge test, a workplace project and presentation and a professional dialogue and interview.

Assessment Method
Knowledge Test
90 minutes
Presentation and questions
45 – 60 minutes
Professional dialogue and interview
30 -45 minutes

Version 1.0


Complete and submit an appropriate workplace project for the End-point Assessment, this must be agreed for the apprentice, based on their current job role


Achieved English and Maths Qualifications Level 2


Provide examples of work that they can use for reference in the professional dialogue and interview covering the knowledge, skills and behaviours being assessed by this assessment method

EPA consists of three assessment methods: a knowledge test, a workplace project and presentation and a professional dialogue and interview.

Assessment Method
Knowledge Test
90 minutes
Presentation and questions
45 – 60 minutes
Professional dialogue and interview
30 -45 minutes

Resources for Supply Chain Practitioner v1.1