ST01393: Level 2 Removals Operative

Version 1.0

The broad purpose of a Removals Operative is to pack items into boxes or crates and move the packed items, furniture, equipment, specialist items and any other customer possessions. They will assist with the loading and unloading of items onto and off specially built removals vehicles.

This industry covers different types of removal including household, international, commercial and government buildings and provides warehouse storage for customers.
Removals Operatives may work in various locations and surroundings when carrying out removals.

Examples are residential houses, offices, schools, factories, shops, libraries, museums, and hospitals. Removal companies vary in size providing national and international coverage and may have several sites they work from. All locations are different, and no two moves are the same.

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Gateway requirements

The decision to take an apprentice through Gateway is made between the employer, training provider and apprentice, typically after 12 months on-programme.

The apprentice must have completed all on-programme elements before they enter Gateway, including:


Submit a portfolio of evidence to underpin the Interview


Achieved English and Maths in line with the apprenticeship funding rules

End-point Assessment (EPA) Criteria

The EPA consists of two assessment methods: a presentation with questions and a professional discussion.

Assessment Method
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
60 minutes
Observations with questions
75 minutes

Resources for Removals Operative v1.0