ST0551: Early Years Lead Practitioner Level 5

Version 1.0

The primary purpose of an Early Years Lead Practitioner is to be a proactive and influential leader, working directly with children and skilfully leading day to day practice at an operational level. This occupation is found in a range of settings including day nurseries, playgroups and primary schools.

An Early Years Lead Practitioner is expected to be an effective role model within their organisation and demonstrate best practice both of play-based learning and supporting others to develop their own ideas. They are often expected to take an operational lead for the care, learning and development of all the young children within their care, adapting to individual needs to provide inclusive and holistic provision. An Early Years Lead Practitioner will need to engage and understand sector developments both locally and nationally, and maintain a firm commitment to developing their own professional and educational competencies.

In their daily work, an Early Years Lead Practitioner may interact with children aged birth to eight years, as well as families, other early years professionals and appropriate agencies.

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Gateway requirements

The decision to take an apprentice through Gateway is made between the employer, training provider and apprentice, typically after 24 months on-programme.

The apprentice must have completed all on-programme elements before they enter Gateway, including:


Portfolio of evidence prepared to support the professional discussion


Signed Statement of Attribution


Case study scope agreed and consent received


Achieved English and Maths Level 2

End-point Assessment (EPA) Criteria

EPA consists of three assessment methods: an observation with questions, a professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence and a case study report submitted 12 weeks after Gateway with a supporting presentation.

Assessment Method
Observation of Practice
Max 60 minutes plus 30 minutes of questioning
Professional Discussion
60 minutes
Case Study Report and Presentation
40 minute presentation with 20 minutes for questions

Resources for Level 5 Early Years Lead Practitioner v1.0