ST0214: Advanced and Creative Hair Professional

Version 1.0

Advanced and Creative Hair Professionals are creative, passionate, and driven professionals who work without supervision, managing themselves and others when required. They provide a quality service, whilst working to the highest standards and continuously developing their personal and professional skills.

An Advanced and Creative Hair Professional works in the hair industry, which is one of the largest, most trusted and fashion forward professions. They are expected to take ownership of their client lists, accept responsibility and consistently demonstrate proactivity. Advanced and Creative Hair Professionals are flexible and adaptable, planning their work and time. They are consistently aiming for excellence and should take exceptional pride in their work and industry.

The work environment for an Advanced and Creative Hair Professional can vary significantly in size, and style, from a bespoke local salon, to the media industry, cruise ships, product houses, manufacturers and luxury high-end hair salons are just some of the places they may find themselves working.

Advanced and Creative Hair Professionals are highly skilled stylists and follow the latest trends to create innovative styles inspired by current fashion and their own creativity, individual flair, imagination and interpretation.

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Gateway requirements

A full time apprentice will typically spend 12 months on-programme. To be eligible for the Gateway Stage of the End-point Assessment, the apprentice must meet the following Gateway requirements:


Submit a collection of hairstyle looks to underpin the Professional Discussion


Achieve Level 2 mathematics and Level 2 English qualifications (or relevant equivalent)

End-point Assessment (EPA) Criteria

EPA consists of three assessment methods: knowledge test, observation and questioning and a professional discussion.

Assessment Method
Knowledge Test
80 minutes
Observation and Questioning
5 hours
Professional Discussion
45 minutes

Resources for Advanced and Creative Hair Professional v1