We would like to invite you to join our informal and informative session at Lincoln College, covering L4 and L5 Qualifications. Gain valuable insights and updates on these qualifications, including curriculum, industry relevance, and recent developments.
You’ll have the opportunity to network with educators offering these qualifications, enabling you to stay connected in the field.
13:00 Lunch/Networking
13:30 IntroductionWelcome and brief introductions of all participants
13:45 Discussing the objectives and expectations of the centres
14:00 Regulatory UpdatesStay up-to-date with the latest regulatory changes
Updates on L4 and L5 Qualifications: New and existing qualifications
Progress in qualification development
Additional support and future development plans
15:15 Break
15:30 Sharing Best Practices and DemonstrationsTreatment demonstrations to showcase good practice
Sharing experiences and strategies for successful qualification delivery
16:15 Any Other Business (AOB)Open forum for additional discussions, questions, and announcements
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